Toddlers are constantly wanting to find out about the world around them and imitation is one way they do this. Children, from birth to around the age of six, have what's been described as an 'absorbent mind'. They quite literally absorb all of the environment, language, actions, rules, routines - it's how they learn.
Have you noticed that your toddler copies you? Sometimes it'll amaze you what they watch you do and then repeat themselves! (Although...sometimes you may wish they hadn't seen and hadn't copied!!)
Imitation brings together cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills when they copy the movements of others. It also demonstrates great concentration as copying is a multi-step process.
1. Watch and listen to others
2. Process what they see or hear
3. Send correct brain signals to right parts of the body
4. Copy the word/movement/action
Imitation also builds independence, creativity and awareness of others. You may notice that your toddler repeats behaviours or actions with the same people. Isaac, for example, always wants to get the ramp out to push cars down when his Auntie comes round, as this was an activity she had set up for him and they enjoyed together on a previous visit. This decision to repeat demonstrates that your toddler is starting to learn about individuals and what interests them.